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I'm ready, Sign me Up!


6-week total fitness system for women over 40 designed to bring you noticeable results with efficient and effective workouts.

Build Lean Muscle, Burn fat,Boost your Metabolism

Straight up strength



Can we get real for a minute? —

We all know staying in shape over the holiday season takes effort. You already know how busy it gets and how easy it is to put your workout on the back burner

You also know that when you show up for yourself, and get consistent workouts just feel better overall!! 

The good news is: you don't have to spend hours per week working out to maintain your fitness. I'd argue that you can get amazing results in less long as you stay consistent.

To stay on track over the busy season, you need a smart workout plan that not only builds lean muscle and burns fat, but also aids recovery so you can get results and get on with your busy life!

STRAIGHT UP STRENGTH Holiday Express are shorter full body strength and HIIT workout which maximize your time and are customizable to YOU. 

And the best part? You can do all of these workouts just about anywhere with minimal equipment.

  • Workouts designed to for home with dumbbells, minibands and a bench or step.
  • Follow along video workouts with in real time coaching and form cues
  • Modifications for all levels from beginner to advanced 
  • Weekly motivational emails to help you stay on track
  • Private Facebook Group Community #STRAIGHTUPSTRENGTH
  • 4 Workouts per week x 6 weeks = 24 TOTAL workouts   
  • Includes Strength and HIIT Training. 
  • Lifetime Access to workouts


Express Workouts that burn fat, build muscle and boost your metabolism all in just 25 minutes or less!

My signature strength program tailored to your schedule over the busy season of the holidays!

Maintain your results in less time.

  • ENJOYABLE: Quick workouts that are fun and challenging, and get results in less time! 

  • EASE: Workouts that fit into the hectic holiday schedule

  • EFFECTIVE: Exercise that helps you maintain your fitness and strength through the busiest season of the year. 


Let's face it...we all have a lot going on over the holiday season.  

It's all too easy to let your workouts fall by the wayside...and the next thing you know its January and you haven't worked out in weeks!        

This year can be different.   

I've created a fitness program that is so enjoyable and'll have no trouble sustaining these workouts for the 6 week holiday season...even if you are traveling for some of it!

Simply put, I am giving you the tools to maintain (and even improve) your strength and stamina throughout the next 6 weeks.

Don't make the mistake of putting yourself last and neglecting your fitness. 

When it comes to getting results from any workout program, consistency beats perfection every time!

You can stay consistent over the holidays with shorter more intense workouts in just 4 short sessions per week (or 3 if you want to customize it to your schedule!!) 

I'm ready, Sign me Up!


Resistance + HIIT Training is the best way to improve your metabolism, increase strength so you can start seeing noticeable results.


I'm including these quickie workouts for those times when you you are really pressed on time and don't have time for a full session.

You can also use them as a 'finisher' to the main workout if you prefer.

BONUS Workouts

Upon registration you will be invited to join the closed group portal where you can connect directly with me as well as other program participants in my STRAIGHT UP programs.

Plus you'll be invited to any LIVE events that I run while your working through the program to help ensure your success and boost your motivation. 

Group Coaching ONLINE

You'll gain access to your workout videos via email

NO Guess work..or confusing PDF's to try to figure out.

Simply press play and I'll take care of the rest. 

Follow Along Video

20 Strength + HIIT based workouts programmed to challenge your strength, break a sweat and build lean muscle. 

Since every workout is'll never get bored!

All workouts average 25 minutes.

20+ Strength + HIIT Workouts

Want to stay consistent with your fitness through the holidays?   

Holiday Express is for you!

  • Women who want a program that produces noticeable results in less time. 

  • Women who are looking for a sustainable exercise routine through the holiday season...without having to spend a ton of time 

  • Women who like the idea of connecting with a community of like minded women with similar goals who can help keep you accountable and consistent.

  • Women who want to work with a trainer who will coach you through and offer guidance and troubleshooting throughout the 6 weeks  

  • Women who enjoy workouts that are challenging, fun and never boring!

  • Women who want this year to be the year you actually stay on track over the holidays!

HOLIDAY EXPRESS.... Who's it for?

Throughout the entire 6 weeks of STRAIGHT UP STRENGTH : Holiday Express I will be coaching you through each and every workout.

You'll never have to guess at what to do or how to modify....I will be right there with you for every minute of every workout!

I'm ready, Sign me Up!

I'm ready, Sign me Up!



This is the system I've developed after thousands of online training I know it works!

Hi! I'm Jen Kirsch

I'm an online certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. 

I am also a 52 year old woman, wife and mom of 3.

I've had my share of unexpected midlife curveballs, setbacks and hormonal mayhem so I know some of what you are up against when trying to make changes to your body in midlife. 

I've created STRAIGHTUPSTRENGTH HOLIDAY EXPRESS with you in mind. 

You see, I've been coaching fitness for over 27 years, and since then I've trained hundreds of women using many of the same techniques you'll find in #STRAIGHTUPSTRENGTH HOLIDAY EXPRESS so I know what it can do for you. 

Working with women in midlife, one of the most common struggles I hear is: "I want to get leaner and more toned but I have a hard time being consistent and I really need accountability"

I will teach you my top secrets for staying fit at home—and how you can maximize your results with minimal equipment in less time!

These is the exact system I teach my private clients and what I personally follow, so I know it works!

I am Enjoying my time working out!

Read what others are saying!

I am more motivated and I enjoy my time working out! The workouts go so fast and I love that ! can feel my progress!!!

I'm ready, Sign me Up!

Your Program Motivated me to Get ride of the Clutter!

I finally have a beautiful basement workout space because committing to your program motivated me to clean it and get rid of clutter. And that has helped me mentally in addition to feeling strong and healthy eating ---for my body.



When Your Husband notices!

My husband commented that certain parts of my body are definitely firmed up. What woman doesn’t like to hear that from her husband!!😊

Increased Strength, Flexibility, and Better Sleep!

I have increased strength and flexibility. I sleep better, and I can lift more weight and do more reps. Last spring I was in physical therapy for neck pain with numbness radiating down my arm. After my PT was over, I would still have symptoms intermittently. After finishing this program, my symptoms are gone.





This is not a beginner program. However if you have a decent fitness level already, all of these workouts offer modifications to tailor to your situation.

Each workout offers options to help you scale the workout to your level, because when it comes to exercise, although there needs to be some level of challenge to see changes, sometimes less is truly is more! If you have never done any strength training before, I have another program that may be a better fit for you. Feel free to email me for details.

I've had some injuries and will need modifications. Can I still do this program?

Mostly likely yes. This comes up a lot...and the closed group is a great way to get access to your questions on form or modifications. You will also have access to me in the LIVE workouts if you wish to get 'in real time' feedback.

What kind of equipment do I need for this program? 

This is a dumbbell based program.

I recommend 2 medium and one heavy 'for you' for best results. You don't need a full gym for this program...if you find that the weights you have aren't going to work once you start the can always get what you need pretty quickly at a big box retailer. Most of them carry weights. Facebook Marketplace also has some good deals. 

*I will be incorporating mini bands and a step or Swissball if you prefer not to buy items, I will offer alternatives for you within the workouts. 

If you prefer not to invest in this equipment right off the bat...its OK! I will give options on what to do instead. You can participate and still benefit from the program without the extra equipment.  

What if I am not able to do all 6 weeks?

Consistency is the name of the game in this program. 

The key to seeing and even maintaining results in any fitness program is to do it regularly enough, ideally a few times per week. 

This is a very busy time of year for most of us, so with that in mind I created a program that you can customize based on YOUR schedule!

Workouts are on the shorter side 25 min, but you can "stack' them to make for a longer workout if you wish! 

You also will get some "quickies' which are all about 10 min long for those days when you literally have no time.  

Keep in mind you will have lifetime access to the workouts once the program is completed, so if you are going it solo or you are away for a week...just pick back up when you can!

What about when the 6 weeks are over? What will I do then ? 

You have several options!

You can join me LIVE (or get the replay) 3x per week for workouts online. 

I also have 3 other self paced programs that might like to try!  

I have a weight loss goal, will this program help me do that?

Yes! A well rounded fitness program is essential when there is a weight loss goal. This program focuses on the 3 main things that you need for sustainable weight loss. 

1. Strength Training..the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. 

2. HIIT training...excellent strategy to prompt fat loss. 

3. Consistency and Accountability ..(technically that's 2) but you need both of them if you want results. 

As you know...dialing in nutrition is a key piece to weight loss, and although its not part of the Straight UP will have the option to work with me in my nutrition program, you'll be emailed an invite as when I open my next round of my nutrition program! 

OK What happens after I sign up?

You'll get an email from me with access to your workouts immediately! 

If I decide this program is not a good fit for me do you offer refunds? 

Try the program for 7 days RISK FREE. Complete the first week of workouts and if they are not a good fit for you, you may notify me via email within 7 days I will refund you the total investment.     

Refund Policy:

Due to the digital nature of this program, there are no refunds available. Like with all programs, part of the results come from your own personal commitment to sticking with it. This program is designed to help you gain strength and consistency through simple, foundational movements. Your best results come from giving your best effort.