Get It Now

Master your midlife metabolism and lose weight without counting calories!

Eat to



Maybe you've tried keto, low carb or Weight Watchers and had some success.

And it worked for a time, and then you stopped getting results

Instead of chasing another diet trend, wouldn't it be great to understand how exactly to eat so you can get results that last a lifetime?

There's a reason your last diet worked...
until it didn't

Ditch the dieting mindset &
finally get sustainable results


I'll teach you how to effectively banish the bloat, better balance your hormones and shift your metabolism into fat burning mode by working with your biology so you can finally see results without having to count calories or weigh and measure all your food.

Get It NOw

You will learn how to eat for your body! 

What can you expect from Eat to Thrive?

Mind your Macros

Improve your energy using my 5-1 Formula! I’ll show you how to build balanced meals that will curb those sugar cravings and make it easier for you to effectively burn fat throughout the day. 

Optimize Hormones

We will cut through the noise of diets that haven't been sustainable and learn how your hormones and metabolism actually work together so you can make choices that support optimal balance. 

Weekly Recipes

Let’s take the guesswork out of what’s for dinner! Each week I’ll be sending you suggested meal plan along with easy recipes to help simplify your life.

Online Coaching

30 days of online interactive, education and group coaching. Hands down. This is the best way to apply what you learn and integrate it into your lifestyle. Knowledge is valuable, but accountability and consistency is where the real transformation happens.


  • Weekly Meal Plans featuring 40+ simple and delicious Whole Foods recipes that take 20 minutes or less to prepare.

  • Nutrition Education : Learn portion control and how to build balanced plate that keeps you satisfied so you can calm sugar cravings, restore digestion and lose weight. 

  • Weekly LIVE Video Coaching calls : This is the time we get together and learn more about how to truly nourish your body so that you can feel your best and support sustainable fat loss if that's a goal! 

  • Closed community for connection, accountability and Q + A. 

  • I'll be in the group every day of the program to answer your questions and keep you motivated throughout the program! 
You already know that the solution to sustainable weight loss isn't another quick fix plan...

  • You’ve struggled with unwanted weight gain and despite all your best efforts, you keep chasing the same 10-15 pounds. 
  • You're tired of thinking about calories, tracking every morsel to lose weight and improve your health.
  • You’re noticing that you need a jolt of caffeine or sugar to keep you going after lunch 
  • Your favorite clothes feel a little too tight and you’re often feeling bloated
  • Your hormones feel out of control, and you experience joint pain and signs of inflammation

IS eat to THRIVE

Whether you have a weight loss goal, or just want to support your health the first step is to regulate your metabolism through controlling blood sugar. 

EAT TO THRIVE is exactly the plan you need to feel more like “yourself” again.

You'll learn how to work with your biology so you can finally see results without having to count calories or suffer through long workouts. 

Get It Now

In just 30 days you'll experience better sleep, better digestion, and balanced hormones

Donna, 52

" I began Jen's 30-Day program because I was sick of feeling bloated all the time. I was at highest weight and was starting to wonder if reaching healthy weight was even possible for me. I hoped that by doing the plan I would lose weight, and give my body a kickstart.

Not only did I lose 10 pounds during the program...I've been able to keep it off. I noticed that cravings for unhealthy foods went away and I found that I actually didn't need to snack as a form of stress relief. I can’t imagine going back to the way I was, I can honestly say this program helped me change my lifestyle"

Kathy, 59

"Thanks so much for this experience!! I enjoyed trying new foods and breaking our of my rut in the kitchen. Your plan was so easy to follow and modify to my needs"

"I've been working on changing my ideas on low calorie and low fat toward whole foods because I know I feel better when I do"
So far I am down 8 pounds and its actually felt pretty easy!

Karen, 62

"My initial goal for joining was to lose weight.

Admittedly every Year I'd make the same resolution and I'd 'stay on track' for a few weeks and then completely give up by the end of the month.

Jen's approach was different than other programs I had followed in the past.

She explained why my efforts in dieting always had me chasing the same 10 pounds.

Overall I lost a total of 12 pounds and feel better than I have in years!!"

what they're saying

I've got answers

I’m really busy – will this program work for me?

have questions?

All coaching programs are done via FaceTime or phone call! Whichever you prefer.

You bet! We have Decide + Conquer Program graduates from all over the world- United States, New Zealand, England, Japan, Australia, Sweden, and more.

If there is not a time that works with your schedule, send an email to with your time zone and times in the next week that you are available for your consultation call.

 Program pricing starts at $2,000. We have different programs and payment plans to meet your needs. Let’s get you started by booking a free consultation call.

Because of the nature of the content, all sales are final.

We’re all busy these days, but the reality is that feeling sluggish and bloated isn't helping you squeeze anymore productivity into your day. I’ve designed this program to support you by providing recipes and sample meal plans to help simplify your life. No more stressing over what's for dinner. Follow this program and you’ll feel a difference within days of implementing my 5-1 Formula…

What kind of results should I expect?

My clients tell me that the best thing about this program is that they never realized how bad they were feeling until they started feeling better! 

Some of the benefits I’ve heard: 
Less hot flashes, improved digestion, sound sleep, diminished brain fog, clearer skin, less bloating, and weight loss to name a few. 

If I have a weight loss goal, will I lose weight in this program?

It’s important to note that achieving sustainable fat loss takes patience and consistency and for many women it’s not a linear process. That said, when you change your diet initially, it is not uncommon to lose weight right away. The average weight loss for women who follow the concepts shared in EAT TO THRIVE formula, lose an average of 5-8 pounds. 

Even more valuable however, they come away from the program with a clear understanding of how to continue maintaining these results even when the program is over. 

Will I be required to count calories are macros 

No. The goal of this program is to teach you how you can balance your plate without weighing and measuring every morsel of food. Getting bogged down in the numbers isn't necessary for results. I will teach you how to balance your meals and build your plate confidently each and every time so that you can do this for life and stop tracking forever. 

What is the Difference between Eat to Thrive and Nourished U

Nourished U is a longer term more comprehensive 8 week coaching program.

What if I'm traveling or have to do dinners out?

If you struggle with eating well when traveling or dinners out then this is actually perfect for you! You'll learn how to build your plate so that you can still reach your goals....

What if I can't attend the LIVE calls?

The EAT TO THRIVE program is all recorded and every module is accessible at your convenience. I'll be in the closed community to offer guidance and answer questions in between the live calls. 

How do I know if this program will work for me?

The ETT program takes a Whole Foods approach meaning the recipes and meal suggestions are whole foods based. The reason for this is that if you’re struggling to lose weight, hormonal issues, and just not operating at 100% taking a break from eating processed and inflammatory foods can really go a long way towards kickstarting fat loss. This is why the calories and calories out model isn’t helpful and you’ll learn why in this program